


Entries by Interstate Pullers (1)


8500 Wild Street rules

Credentials: MUST be licensed, insured, and street legal. All drivers MUST have a current driver’s license. Vehicles may be 2- or 4-wheel drive. 

Vehicle may be a gas or diesel engine. All pulling vehicles may be held for a pre/post competition inspection. Failure to abide may result in a disqualification.  


1. Driver MUST be a member of Interstate Puller Association consisting of a $50.00 membership fee.


2. A OEM restraint system is mandatory and must be worn. Helmets are required. No exceptions.  


3. Vehicle must retain FULL OEM interior. This includes all seating as designed for cab configuration, full dash, door panels, carpet/vinyl flooring, etc.  


4. Ballast is permitted and must be secured in the pickup bed only. Front hanging weights are prohibited. Weight in the cab or engine bay is prohibited.  Weight of truck and drive is a maximum of 8500 lbs. 


5. Body must retain a full OEM truck body. Aftermarket hoods permitted. Aftermarket (ranch hand, roll  pans, or other) bumpers permitted. Snow plow mounts permitted; snow plow frames prohibited. All headlight assemblies must be installed.  Window tint is permitted. Trucks Must have inner fender wells. 


6. Driveline must retain OEM style driveline from one-ton truck or less. Planetary axles, drop box, and/or  reversers are prohibited. Driveline components may be swapped between manufacturers. Driveshaft size and material may be upgraded. Driveshaft u joints MUST be covered if visible from the side of the truck. Trucks MUST have at least one drive line hoop in the center of the drive shaft.

Interstate Pullers have the right to require additional u-joint shields/safety equipment.  


7. Engine must have been offered as an OEM engine in a one ton or less truck. Engines can be interchanged  between manufacturers. 


8. Hitch heights are as follows.  

 a. 22 inch 4x4 diesel or turbo gas 

 b. 24 inch 4x4 naturally aspirated gas 

Hitch is at different heights to level out class and attempt to keep everyone competitive.  Please be sure you can get it to the correct height. Reese style hitches only. Hitch MUST be a Class 4 or 5 hitch Minimum. Drawbar style or “trick” hitches are prohibited. Hook points must extend beyond the back of the bumper/roll pan. Hitch must be stationary in all directions. Clevises are prohibited.  Hook loop must be a minimum ¾” x ¾” thick at any point, must be made of steel, and not more than 3.” X 3.75” at hook point. Final decision of legality of hitch resides with head tech officials. 


9. Compressed injectable (nitrous, propane, etc.) are prohibited. Bottles and tanks MUST be removed from truck. All lines MUST be unhooked from engine.


10. Exhaust MUST point upwards. HOOD STACKS PROHIBITED. NO EXCEPTIONS.  If exhaust is exiting under the bed side, must have a turn up tip to point exhaust upwards.  Exhaust must exit after the back of the cab. It may exit through the bed (bed stack) or under the bed.  Aftermarket exhaust permitted. Exhaust MUST have (2) 3/8 diameter grade 5 bolts in exhaust installed 90* to each other, within 2" of the exhaust compressor wheel.  


11. #1 and #2 diesel fuel only. Any octane rated gas for gas trucks is permitted. E85 or alcohol is prohibited. 


12. Air to air intercoolers only. Aftermarket intercoolers are permitted but must be located in front of the radiator. Factory water to air intercoolers are permitted.  Aftermarket water to air intercoolers are prohibited.  


13. Engine must circulate coolant freely. Radiator must be located in front of the engine.  Aftermarket radiators permitted.  


14. Front suspension must retain full working front suspension. Limiting straps prohibited. Traction bars permitted. Front suspension may be raised or lowered.  


15. Rear bump stops permitted. Bump stops must be bolt on only and removable for street use. Traction bars permitted. Rear suspension may be bolted so no travel is present. 


16. Tires limited to 35x12.50” tire for single wheel trucks. Tire limited to 35x11.50 wide for dual wheel trucks. Any aftermarket wheels permitted. Dually wheels permitted when accompanied by a dually bed. All tires must be D.O.T. approved. Cutting or altering of tires is prohibited.  


17. Any turbo/supercharger configuration and/or size is permitted. Its Thunder Road.  The rules are, there    are no rules. Twins welcome, triples preferred. Super chargers are cool too. 


18. Trucks MUST be equipped with a guillotine and a cable. Cable MUST be running to the rear of the truck with a loop at the end. Also, cable MUST be ran into the cab.


19. Truck MUST have minimum 2.5 lb fire extinguisher within reach of driver’s seat.


20. Tech’s discretion on safety equipment. (If needing more safety, or not safe to pull) 


21. All general rules apply


22. Top 5 truck will be teched as soon as they pull off the track in the designated area


23. Payouts will be to the first 8 places to equal $600.00

 a. 1st - $120

 b. 2nd - $110

 c. 3rd - $90

 d. 4th - $80

 e. 5th - $70

 f. 6th - $60

 g. 7th - $30

 h. 8th - $20


***All interpretations of these rules lie with the Tech Officials and their decision is final. ***