


Entries by Interstate Pullers (1)


6200 RULES 2021-2023


  1. All drivers must have a valid drivers license.

  2. Trucks must be operated in a safe manner at all times and all personal body parts must stay inside the cab while you are pulling. No riders in or on truck at anytime. Must have qualified driver in truck at all times when engine is running. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.

  3. Vehicle must be equipped with operational seatbelts (lapbelts acceptable). It is required to wear seatbelt while pulling vehicle on the track-not in the pits.

  4. Trucks must be equipped with D.O.T. approved tires. Maximum size is 36 x 12.50 or equivalent metric size. No limit on rim size.No modifications to tires allowed. (IE. No grooving, recaps paddles, ETC).

  5. Universal joint shields are required on all drive shaft u-joints and must be at least 4" wide, made of at least 3/16" steel or 1/4" aluminum, and centered over u-joint. All driveshafts over 30" long, including those with carrier bearings must be equipped with driveshaft loops made of at least 1" wide metal or rigid 1/2" rod - No chains accepted - and must be 360 degrees around driveshaft but may be two pieces bolted together to make a loop.

  6. All hitches must be safe, secure, rigid in all directions, and must not exceed 22 in. height. Hitch opening must be at least 3.75 x 3.0in. No hydraulic hitches allowed.Minimum hitch length from center of rear axle back must be at least 36% of wheelbase. Drawbar pivot (mounting) cannot be farther forward than the center line of the rear axle. Hitch must be horizontal - Not vertical.

  7. Front end weights permitted, but not to exceed more than 60" from center of front rear to farthest point forward of weights or weight bracket. Maximum width of weights or weight bracket can be 80" or 40" from center of truck to each side. Weights must be a minimum of 10" off the ground when ready to pull. Bottom of rollers must be at least 8" off the ground if used. There needs to be a metal tab welded on front rear at center point to hook a tape for measuring. No weights inside of cab. No fuel tanks or batteries on weight bar or in the weight box.

  8. Gasoline fuel only - No diesel fuel - No Alcohol-NOS not permitted. No superchargers or turbochargers.

  9. Drivetrain must be factory one ton or less, and must comply with the following:

    • No slipper clutches.

    • Engine and rears must be in stock location.

    • Must have front and rear working brakes.

    • Front solid suspension not allowed. Shackles on front springs cannot have stops of any kind. Front main spring and shackle must be stock on each side No ladder type bars allowed on front.

    • Solid rear suspension wil be allowed.

  10. All competing vehicles must have a working backup light(s). Light(s) can be in stock position. Light(s) must be activated with the transmission shifter - Driver operated toggle switch is not allowed.

  11. All trucks must have stock sheet metal, including sides and front of bed, and a fullbed floor.Tailgates may be removed.

  12. Vehicles do not have to be licensed or insured. All windows must be stock glass and side windows must raise and lower. All glass must be limited to factory tint. All door latches must be stock, and firewall must be stock. Headlights and tailights must be in original position but do not have to work. Any holes in the body must not present a hazard to pull officials or to any spectator.

  13. Only two external modifications (bolt-ons) allowed. (Modification is defined as anything that did not come stock on the truck). Bolt-ons include: Aluminum intake manifolds, magneto ignition or headers.

    • Only one carburetor allowed. Stock style mechanical fuel pump allowed, electric fuel pumps,and fuel regulators are allowed.

    • Items allowed and not counted as a bolt on: Any 4150 carburetor—4 BARRELS/ 4 BUTTERFLIES –NO 4150 DOMINATOR CONVERSION CARBURETOR; any dual feed carburetor; one carburetor spacer up to 2-1/4 thick; MSD style ignition-(Not digital or programable)including distributor, rev limiter, and retard box; and reduction pulleys. Electric fans are allowed. Electric water pumps that bolt to the front of the engine in the same place as the mechanical water pump are allowed. No other type water pumps allowed. Vacuum pumps are allowed. No dry sumps allowed.

    • Not allowed: Dominator or preditor carburetors, homemade carburetor spacers or wooden carburetor spacers, crank trigger ignitions, or sheet metal intakes.

  14. A different manufactured motor in a different manufactured truck is counted as a bolt-on.

  15. Blow proof bellhousing with a block protecting plate required. Plate must be secured with all bottom bolts and at least 2 top bolts. No cast iron flywheels allowed. Blankets and/or shields must cover converter and automatic transmission - top & bottom.

  16. No shifting of any transmission, straight stick or automatic, allowed while pulling.

  17. Ignition kill switch must be mounted in center of truck/tailgate, and at least 30" off the ground.

  18. A neutral safety switch is required.

  19. No digital or programmable boxes allowed. No laptaps or other devices that could be used to control the actions of the pulling vehicle in or around the vehicle until after the class is completed.

  20. No traction control or speed sensors are allowed. No air bags of any kind allowed.

  21. Blocks must be cast iron stock manufactured. IE: GM manufactured block and heads in GM manufactured truck - Same for Ford, Chrysler ETC. No aluminum heads allowed. Heads must be factory raised; ID stamped with company name for OE heads as well as the approved aftermarket heads.The following Aftermarket heads are approved. World Products Merlin series cast iron head for GM engines and the Eliminator Products CJHP, CJR, and F460 cast iron head for Ford engines.The newer 12562920, 12562925, & 12562926 GM heads are not permitted in this class. The Ford Blue Thunder heads are not permitted. Any head that has been made since 2005 is not permitted. No Hemi heads allowed. If a new head comes out from one of the companies above Interstate will have to research & OK it before it will be allowed. Heads are limited to port work only. (must be complete head), Cubic inch limited to 503". Finished bore size and stroke are used to determine cubic inch.

  22. All exhaust must be at least 12" behind the cab where it exits. Any over-the-counter mufflers, regardless of shape, may be used. No homemade mufflers allowed.

  23. Dampers must be SFI approved, or must be shielded 360 degrees.

  24. Electric over hydraulic steering  with a steering allowed,to clarify a hydraulic cylinder can be used on front axle to steer vehicle and be by an engine driven pump or an electric over hydraulic pump.

  25. All competing vehicles must have a tow off hook on the front of the vehicle. Hook may be a drop "D" style, or a solid ring welded to the front of the weight bar. Ring must have at least a 3" opening but no larger than 4". Ring must be rounded with no sharp edges on the outside. If ring is welded solid to the weight bar it can extend beyond the 60 inch limit front weight rule.

  26. All trucks will be inspected prior to pulling. Officials have the right to inspect a vehicle at any time and must inspect any or all vehicles where there is a concern brought to them by any puller in that class. Anyone found with illegal equipment on their vehicle prior to pulling shall be suspended from that pull and the next 5 pulls. This applies to items that constitute a pulling advantage. All official(s) decisions are final.

  27. All 4x4 trucks will be registered with ITTP for one class only. Trucks may pull in the 6500 lb. class if rules are met for the class & the 6200 lb. trucks are not pulling on that date. (purse only, no points). Allowing 6200 lb trucks to pull with 6500 lb trucks at county fairs is at the discretion of fair officials. Truck can pull in one class only. Small block trucks may register in this class also if legal.

  28. Drivers must wear a single layer or better firesuit and helmet.

  29. Any interference from truck driver, crew, or family/friends anywhere on the pulling grounds will be grounds for disqualification. No alcoholic beverages allowed. Any participant may be subject to a breathalyzer test. Refusal to comply will result in disqualification. Anyone caught drinking is subject to disqualification for that pull and the next.

  30. All pullers must be registered 30 minutes before pull starts.