10000 Pro Farm - 2024-2026 Rules

- Tractors must be agricultural tractors having chassis, engine, clutch, transmission housing, differential housing, transmission, hood and grill of one manufacturer. OEM cylinder head must be for series engine used-no recast, No aluminum, No overhead cams allowed. Engine, clutch, transmission, and differential housings, must be bolted together as one unit. All bolts connecting all housings must be in their stock location-OEM length & location from rear end housing to front of engine. No component powertrains. Repower engines must use original equipment size and type injection pump for the tractor being entered, or injection pump must be maximum of one (A) line pump (German Bosch, one plunger per cylinder). No P-pumps. No Billet A pumps. All fuel systems must have a three way shut off valve. Tractors must have wide front axles. Tube chassis allowed. Front wheels must track within rear wheels. Tractor must have steel flywheel and clutch components. No cast parts allowed in clutch system.
- Engine cubic inch limit of 540 cid. Finished bore size and stroke are used to determine cubic inch.
- Vehicles must have OEM cylinder head and must be for series engine used - No recast; No aluminum; No overhead cams allowed.
- Diesel tractors only. Diesel Fuel only. No accelerants. Fuel testing will be done on an intermittent basis, specific gravity, styrofoam cup test ,and diaelectric test. If fuel remains questionable it will be sent off for analysis.
- Intercoolers and water injection allowed. No alcohol allowed.
One single Turbocharger must be under hood. See drawing for maximum turbocharger size. For the 2021 season a new Wimer Fuel Injection box turbo can only be purchased thru Interstate tractor pullers for the 10000 Profarm class. Box turbos will be ordered and picked up thru Interstate pullers. Contact Jason or Dale Forrester for orders and pick up, Payment will be made to Wimer Fuel injection directly or on pick up of turbo.
- Exhaust must discharge vertically upward above highest point of tractor, exception of roll bars, and be securely attached. Exhaust must be at least 18 inches above the hood an no curved pipes or rain caps allowed. Exhaust pipe must be cross-bolted with two 3/8" grade five bolts with 1 inch of each other in vertical pipe and two 3/8" bolts within 2 inches or close to exhaust wheel as possible of exhaust housing. A billet cross, mounted to the exhaust housing at the exhaust wheel is acceptible in lieu of cross bolts.
- Vehicle with a plastic or fiberglass hood must be shrouded in the turbo area with a minimum metal thickness of .060" or 1/16.
- All engine fans must be shrouded with steel 1/16" or thicker 360 degrees or factory.
- Minimum drawbar length 18" from center of rear wheels to point of hook. Draw-bar must be rigid in all directions. Maximum 20" from top of hitch to the ground. Drawbar must be parallel to the ground. Hitch must be horizontal - Not vertical. No cast iron drawbar components. HITCH HOLE TO BE 3.75 x 3.0in
- All tractors will require:
- Air shut off - must also be able to be operated manually (by the operator from the seat of the tractor).
- Flywheel protection in the form of either:
- A scatter blanket with six straps
- 6" x 3/8" steel around the flywheel area.
- Rear wheelie bars installed in accordance with the following specifications:
- Pads on bottom of bars to be a minimum of 5 in. sq. pads.
- Pads to be a minimum of 32" rearward from the center of the rearend housing.
- Pads maximum of 10" off the ground.
- Outside to outside width of pads to be a minimum of 20".
- Minimum 12" high bumper bars - top to be fastened to stabilizer bar framing.
- Bars must support weight of tractor for weight class being pulled.
- Deadmans throttle. Throttle must have at least 2 springs.
- Neutral light - Light must come on in neutral & start in neutral, with light on.
- Side shields are allowed and must be made out of .060" or 1/16" metal.
- Harmonic balancer to be shielded to be contained within vehicle.
- Front skid bars mandatory. Link HERE for Skid bar diagram.
- Tie bars required from front of clutch housing to rear axle housing.
- Tractors must have engine side shields, side shield material to be minimum .060 inch thickness. Plastic or fiberglass hoods must be shielded in the turbo area.
- Maximum tire width is to be 24.5" US or 650 metric, maximum rim diameter of 38" No full cut tires or puller 2000 H.P. No alterations to front edge of bar, tread, or cleat of tires. No puller tires of any kind. Top dressing of bar only.
- Removal of PTO and hydraulics (rockshafts) allowed - if not removed, PTO shafts must be covered with a safety shield.
- The frame and weights must not extend any further than 13 feet from center of the rear axle to further most forward point - excluding tow hook. The wheelbase must not exceed 114"
- Competing vehicles must have working rear wheel brakes.
- Competing vehicles must have fenders that consist of a solid barrier between the driver and any part of the rear tires. The barrier must be able to sufficiently support the weight of the driver and must extend a minimum of 6 inches horizontally at the top and be a minimum of 36" wide at the top.
- Vehicle must have a roll cage that is at least as high as the top of the drivers head/helmet. Rollover protection must be able to lift one rear wheel when pulled horizontally from the top of the cage without damage to the roll cage. A three bar rollcage is mandatory for the 2021 season
- Top 3 finishing tractors are subject to inspection.
- Driver must wear fire suit and helmet.
- Fire extinguisher is required.